
Scammer Misspell

Why Do Spammers Misspell Words?

Yesterday someone sent a screenshot of a spam email on a Whatsapp group. The sender had made multiple mistakes. Everyone burst out laughing.
“Haha! These scammers can’t even write a simple English sentence and they are trying to fool out others!”
But did you know that these mistakes are often intentional? Spammers are well aware of the emails they send.
Here are the reasons why spammers misspell words!

Why Do Spammers Misspell Words? Read More »

Have I Been Pwned

Have I Been Pwned? Check Your Email Security Now

‘Have I Been Pwned’ is the oldest website that checks whether your email or personal information has been compromised in any data breaches.
Data breaches have become a daily thing now. Companies accidentally leak the huge database every now and then.
But how would you know about your data and security? Stats about data breaches are surprising and horrible.

Have I Been Pwned? Check Your Email Security Now Read More »

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